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In various urinary system related problems, Urisol is the drug of choice to relieve urinary tract spasms. In urinary incontinence, Urisol treats the problem within one hour. Ask your physician for the correct dosage.

Urisol tablets contain flavoxate hydrochloride, a synthetic urinary tract spasmolytic. Urisol counteracts muscle spasms of the urinary tract and exerts its effect directly on the muscle. Urisol counteracts smooth muscle spasm of the urinary tract and exerts its effect directly on the muscle.

Category: Urinary Anti-spasmodic
Indication: Muscle spasms during urine excretion.
Drug Composition: Flavoxate Hydrochloride 200 mg.
Dosage: 1 Tablet t.i.d.
Contraindications: Obstructive conditions of the gastrointestinal or urinary tracts. GI haemorrhage.
Precautions: Glaucoma, cardio vascular disease. Pregnancy, lactation.
This product is currently only available in India against valid prescription from a Registered Medical Practitioner. This is not an offer for sale.